F86-Sabre jet fighter bomber was designed and manufactured by North American Aviation Los Angeles CA, and Columbus Ohio, between the years 1949 and 1956. Production in U.S. was about 6,297 jets.
The F-86E cost of production is listed as $219,247 U.S. funds. F-86 performance proved very versatile and adaptable, performing successfully as a front-line fighter for numerous Air Forces worldwide. This fighter was very effective in service during Korean War.
- The instrument panel featured on this piece for display was taken from an F86-F model.
- All instruments installed on this panel are lighted with LED lights. The eyebrow lights have been upgraded to more reliable low powered bright LED lights. Two high reliable LEDs are installed in each instrument. All indicator lights have functioning LEDs installed . All switches have some function of the indicator lights. The Landing gear up switch lights up when in the up position and lights up when in the down position and the emergency up button is pressed. Indicator lights may be switched off separately from the instruments lights. Some indicator lights flash and some are steady lit giving a random look of changing flight parameters.
- Aircraft gears used on this lamp were salvaged from various old aircraft and repurposed to complement this lamps machine age look.
- Black iron re-purposed pipe and fittings are used to secure and support the frame structure of this lamp. Some parts and fittings are old and some are new. Lamp frame is painted with a special metallic iron finish.
- Electrical components used within this lamp are new and were obtained from manufactures that have the UL approved endorsement.
- Included with this lamp are two 60W Antique Vintage Edison style bulbs; any standard size medium bulb will work.
- Located on back side of this lamp is a variable intensity dimmer control, which adjusts the vintage style bulb for desired light level output. This power control dimmer is also a push on-push off power control switch for the vintage style bulbs. A separate push button switch separately operates the instrument lights.
- Lamp weigh is 50.4 H=22”, W= 23”, D=15”
- Rubber tip protectors are secured to the feet of this lamp to help protect the surface where it sets.
- Heavy duty 8 ft. power cord has grounded plug with 3 conductors for safety.
- All Lamp surfaces are grounded for safety, all wiring is securely clamped, protected, and meets safety standards. LED power supply is safely fuzzed switchable, and isolated from AC lamp power.
- Each lamp has a copper name plate riveted to back side with serial number stamped. I have sold several lamps and stand behind my workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed.
- A bonus included with this lamp is an aircraft information document metal framed with stand.